
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sometimes, I think I'm getting old, and I'm totally okay with it. Being in bed early and getting tons of luscious sleep isn't a bad thing. But then my friend Liz offers up a free MSU basketball ticket and reminds me that it's sometimes okay to stay up past my bedtime on a work night.

We got seats in the 9th row, kind of near the end.... but they were free so who cares? It was MSU vs. Eastern Michigan and wasn't anywhere near a close game. I can't remember the final score but I think it was a 25 point spread. Still.... it was fun hanging out with some friends and watching MSU play live in person. This is the first time I've ever been to an MSU basketball game. Izzo is shorter than I thought he was, but he's definitely as passionate in person as he appears on TV.

And for the icing on yesterday's cake -- Dan got a deer!!!  Big doe! We got venison, baby!