
Sunday, November 23, 2014

The four of us hit up Steak & Shake for dinner Friday night, just for fun. Sean and I played a million games of Tic Tac Toe while waiting for our food. He's getting good and creating a two-way win for himself, haha!

On Saturday morning, Sean had his last Level 1 swim lesson for this session, and he officially advanced to Level 2. He's doing awesome and he's loving it! He looks forward to his lesson(s) and he's sad when it's time to get out of the pool. We're starting to consider enrolling him in some private lessons so he can really get the attention he needs to develop his skills, then maybe see if he wants to join a local swim team. He's not scared of the water anymore, and he's even willing to try new things in the water. I'm so stinkin' proud of him!

Last night, the boys and I stayed the night at Kerry's house. We certainly had a house full, and we stayed up late-late-late. I actually put Evan to bed around 10:00pm (he was past ready), while Sean stayed up with the older kids (and the adults) until -- are you ready for this?! -- 2:00am! I couldn't believe he (or I, for that matter) made it that late, and even then, I had to tell him it was time to go to bed. He didn't resist, of course, and was asleep before I could leave the room (wait -- not true -- he asked me if he could eat something first -- I was all like, "Ummm, no! It's the middle of the night, you can eat in the morning." HAHA!)

All the boys were up by 7-something this morning (I slept until like 8:30).

That said, I'm pretty sure we broke The Evanator. He fell asleep in the car a little before 5:00 tonight, and had NO desire to wake up for dinner, for bath, for anything:

He slept like this until almost 6:00 when we forced him to wake up. He was none too happy about that, but he made it until bedtime. We put the boys to bed at 7:45pm tonight and haven't heard from them since.

Which brings me to, I should get some sleep too since it's not like I had a full night's sleep either, haha! I'm getting too old to party like that.....