So Wednesday afternoon, I got a call from Evan's daycare that he needs to go home because he's sportin' a fever. Again. Stupid fever just kept coming & going & coming & going. So I called the pediatrician and got him an appointment for yesterday afternoon. The doctor looked him up & down and over again, but nothing was wrong. Nothing. His throat looked great, his ears looked great, his lungs sounded great.... And so she ordered up bloodwork.
Last time The Evanator needed true bloodwork done, he was a newborn and Dan went into the room with him because I couldn't handle it. But this time, I went. I debated whether or not to tell him what was going on, but opted against it. He sat happily in the chair on my lap, chatting with the phlebotomist about super heroes.... the lady looked at Evan's arm and found an amazing vein (thank goodness!), then went out to get a helper, just in case.
Evan watched as they put the needle in his arm and just went "ouch!" Then he sat there for 2-3 seconds processing what happened, then as they put the cotton on his arm to finish up, then he burst into tears. And he cried and he cried and he cried.... he kept repeating, "owiee, owiee, owiee, it hurts!" even long after they were done and his jacket was back on. He didn't even want a sticker. He was pissed.
As I was putting him in his car seat, he stopped crying long enough to say, "What WAS that Mommy?!" I explained that's how they look at his blood to see what's causing his fevers. And he responds, "Well, I did NOT like that, it hurted a lot!"
We proceeded straight to McDonalds for a chocolate milk shake.
His bloodwork turned out totally fine, so now we wait a little longer and if he keeps getting fevers, the doctor will order further testing (I'm not sure what but I think chest x-ray and urine tests....).