
Friday, October 17, 2014

So Jennifer's wedding. 

It was beautiful and lovely and perfect! We arrived in Indianapolis Friday evening JUST in time to check into our hotel and rush to rehearsal (we were still about 20 minutes late for rehearsal due to Indy traffic, but we made it). Unfortunately at rehearsal, Sean completely flipped out and essentially bailed. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with walking down the aisle, and refused to rehearse. 

I was mortified! 

After a loooooong talk with him, and he had a loooooong phone conversation with Daddy (Dan wasn't able to join us in Indy for the wedding), he pinky promised that he'd walk the aisle for the wedding Saturday like he was supposed to. All we could do was hold our breath.

The rehearsal dinner -- it was at a restaurant called Maggiano's Little Italy and let me tell you: I'd drive all the way to Indianapolis JUST to eat at that restaurant again! It. Was. Phenomenal!

We arrived at the church two hours early Saturday for pictures. I was all about the comfort so I rocked the Brooks running shoes with the little black dress I borrowed from Kerry for the wedding.

The little black dress and running shoes. Style.

Sean and Nana
Sean kept his pinky promise and walked down the aisle with the flower girl like he said he would. And it was so adorable! He got to sit with us during the wedding and I was incredibly proud of both boys. They were so well-behaved during the ceremony. Evan was perfectly happy to sit on my lap the whole time.  Then they got to blow bubbles. Every boy's dream!

I was so happy that the reception was held in the hotel where we were staying (which is why we stayed there). Once we got back to the hotel after the wedding, we were "in" for the night! They had Mai Tais during cocktail hour. YUM!

After cocktails (sans rum for the small children, of course), dinner, and dancing, we made our way back to the room and crashed. 

I woke up Sunday morning with an incredibly sore throat. I was sure it was Evan's strep. I drove back to Michigan with two boys and one Grandpa in tow. It was all I could do not to fall asleep (Mt. Dew works). But we made it back and I hit up Urgent Care on Monday morning.

It wasn't strep -- just a nasty cold. But I stayed home from work anyway.