
Monday, October 20, 2014

I'm sick. Like down-for-the-count, where-are-the-drugs, someone-shoot-me-now sick. 

I went to bed Saturday night with achy muscles, but I had done a 7 mile run Friday night (first long run in a few weeks, due to a minor foot injury), so I assumed it was just muscle aches from the long run. I took some ibuprofen and went to bed. Woke up about 12:30 FREEZING. And my whole body hurt. I didn't know adults could have a temperature of 102.2 but it turns out, we can. I couldn't take anything because I had just taken the ibuprofen less than three hours prior, so I threw on another blanket and went back to sleep.

Two hours later I woke up FREEZING. My whole body hurt. I didn't know adults could have a temperature of 103.2, but it turns out, we can. I still couldn't take anything and I was too uncomfortable to sleep well. So I tossed and turned until about 4:30. Took some Tylenol, went back to sleep, woke up sweating a few hours later. Fever down to 100.something. 

Dan drove me to Urgent Care yesterday morning when they opened, where they confirmed that this time, I absolutely have strep! They were concerned I had influenza as well, but based on the fact that I've been on antibiotics for 24 hours and I'm feeling significantly better, it's not looking likely I have flu. Just strep. Nine days of antibiotics to go. 

That. Sucked!

Back to work tomorrow.