
Sunday, October 26, 2014

I think Dan goes to a whole different level of hotness when he runs. Seriously. He's hot. 

With our anniversary coming up, we decided that we wanted to do some running this weekend. Mom & Aunt Janet took the boys, and we ran.

We started in Howell for the Headless Horseman 5K. It's a nighttime 5K and it was GORGEOUS running weather. Slightly windy, but it was in the 60's. Beautiful.

Amy - 5K in 36:33 (11:47/mi)
Dan - 5K in 31:06 (10:02/mi)

After that, we drove to a hotel in Livonia so we could run Sunday morning, the Wicked Halloween Run(s) in Plymouth. I was signed up for the Wicked Double (10K + 5K) with Kerry and Terri. Dan signed up for the 5K.

Dan - 5K in 30:13 (9:42/mi)
Amy - 5K in 42:31 (13:40/mi)
Amy - 10K in 1:15:45 (12:11/mi)
Terri and Kerri did the Wicked Double too! They're speed demons, HAHA!