
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Yesterday was "Take Your Child To Work Day" at my department. Usually that falls during the school year, but where I work, they like to do it during the summer so kids don't have to miss school -- make sense. So I brought Sean to work with me.

They had a program for the kids which focused mostly on healthy habits, along with what our department does. While Sean was participating in that, I got some work done (!). Imagine that!

We got to have lunch together, which was super fun.

After the kids program was over, the Director handed out certificates of participation -- looked kind of like a high school graduation, except the kids were way cuter.

I did have to giggle though, because though the focus of the kids program was mostly on healthy habits, they handed out Starburst and Skittles at the end (it's fruit, right?).

Sean did end up spending about an hour and a half at the end of the day with me in my office (the kids program ended at 3:00 and I worked until 4:30). He enjoyed looking out the window from the 8th floor and watching the city. He drew on my dry-erase board (he made an awesome Pokemon, then erased it, which bummed me out!). He entertained my coworkers.... haha!

At the end of the day, he asked me "Mommy, is this every year?" When I said yes, he said, "Ok good! Can I come again next year?"

Absolutely, Buddy! Absolutely!