I sorta rocked my 5K with an official time of 37:20 (12:03 min/mile). Not awesome but not horrible either. I'll take it.
And then there's Evan and his Tot Trot. It was just down the road and back, not even out of sight. I waited for him by the finish line.... there were a lot of children so it was hard to keep my eyes on him but I knew about where he was.... at one point, I saw him headed toward me.... and then I didn't see him. Where the heck was he? As I was looking for him, I noticed that Sparty was carrying a child and running. "Cute," I thought. "Sparty is carrying a kid. Awww...."
Then it hit me: It was MY kid Sparty was carrying. Ummmm.....
I worried for a minute that Evan was hurt or something, but when Sparty came and handed him off to me, I quickly realized he was fine. Apparently, Evan decided he was tired of running so he went up to Sparty and told Sparty he was tired of running. So Sparty -- the rock star he is -- scooped up my 35-pound preschool and ran with him the rest of the way to the finish line! Too cool!!!
I'm so thankful that the race photographer was there to capture it: