
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Some Fun Kidversations

Evan: "Why are my eyes black?"
Me: "Everyone has black in their eyes, Bud. They're called pupils."
Evan (horrified): "Why do I have people in my eyes?!"

Sean: "Evan, remember when the ball went across the road and you went and got it and Mommy had to come get you from across the road?"
Evan: "Yeah. I'm glad I didn't get smooshed."
Sean: "Yeah. It's a good thing you weren't a goner." 

When we were swimming at Great Wolf Lodge, Sean excitedly told me: "Mommy! I swam underwater and I didn't shrink!" (he meant "sink")

Sean: "Mommy, did you know [Tommy] has a warthog on his head?"
Me: "Huh?"
Sean: "His hair!"
Me: "Mohawk, Buddy."
Sean: "Yeah, mohawk"

Evan was sitting on the backyard swing next to a neighborhood girl who is going into 4th grade next year (she goes to Sean's school). Suddenly he looked at her and smoothly says, "I got brains under my hair." He's into older women. Who knew?