
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

We enjoyed a visit from Dan's brother this week -- he arrived on Friday evening and stayed with us overnight (unfortunately, due to various circumstances, his wife & kids couldn't come so the cousins didn't get to see each other this year *sad panda*). Saturday, Sean had his first T-ball practice for which F stayed, then he went on up north to spend time with his & Dan's parents for a few days. 

Saturday afternoon, Sean went roller skating for the first time for a birthday party. My goodness, he was cute! He spent more time on the floor than he did on the wheels, but that kid got right back up every single time and kept going. A couple of his hits were pretty hard and brought him to tears, but for the most part he'd fall and get right back up. 

Sunday was Father's Day. We were supposed to go to breakfast with the fam, but we slept through the alarm. No one in this house was out of bed before 8:00am (!). So we missed breakfast in favor of sleeping in. It was heavenly. 

Tuesday (last night) was Sean's first T-ball game. Dan's brother was back from their parents house so he got to go see it! T-ball is different when you add a year to the kids' age. Last year, whenever someone hit the ball, EVERYONE went for it (and when I say "everyone" I mean kids from both teams!). This year whenever someone hits the ball, NO ONE goes for it. Everyone just stands there staring at it, haha! 

I didn't get too many good pictures this game because Sean's team is so big that he didn't actually play/bat every inning like he did last year. And the one time I was able to get pics of him at bat, I was standing behind him so all the pictures of his back. Good thing he has like 11 more games this season.