June 6th was Sean's last day of 1st grade. My baby is now a 2nd grader! Yikes!
Then to celebrate the end of the school year, I took the boys to Great Wolf Lodge, along with Melinda & Sophia. We got there Sunday afternoon and wasted NO time getting into the water! The kids all loved it!
After we swam for well over two hours, we got our clothes on, ordered pizza for dinner, then went to the lobby for story time. Then it was ice cream time!!!!!
Getting the kids calmed down for bed was a bit of a circus (and Evan was the ringmaster). But somewhere between 10/10:30, they finally were all asleep at the same time. Evan fell out of bed around 1am, but I think it woke me up more than it did him, haha!
We got up Monday morning, ate some breakfast, then went right back to the water park where we played until 1:00pm when Dan came to pick us up. We had a fabulous time!