June 3 -- Sean lost his other top tooth! Unfortunately, we never got that double-toothless smile because most of the other tooth had already come in. But still.... he's getting that big-boy look.
June 13 -- Gizzardfest! I did the 5K in the morning (I actually got my second best ever time!), then we walked around Gizzardfest for most of the day, enjoying the "craft" show (it wasn't much of a craft show this year, so much as just vendors with tents, selling stuff -- still, a good time!) and the boys got to ride the ponies because.... tradition!
June 19 -- The boys and I went to Kerry's new house for the evening, just for fun! She has an in-ground pool now and those kids couldn't wait to get into it! Sean has become very brave over the past year. Not only did he jump off the diving board, he eventually jumped off the diving board without any type of flotation device! He doggy paddled himself to the side, got out, and did it again. And again. And again and again and again. ((no floaties in this video!))
June 20 -- Wild Zoo Mile! Seemed like a good idea at the time, but once we got "running" the boys were more interested in walking. At one point, I turned around to see this:
Still, it was fun. After the mile, the boys got medals, then we went to the playground so they could exert some energy (because clearly "running" a mile didn't do it).
June 22 -- Sean is at Vacation Bible School this week. He's going to the same church he went to VBS at last year, and he's loving it! He's doing amazing at memorizing his verses and listening to the stories and singing the songs. I had to giggle Tuesday night because as he was in the shower, I heard him belting out a VBS song at the top of his lungs! HAHA! Too cute.
And at this point, I think I'm mostly caught up on this blog!