So The Evanator wants to be a police officer in the worst way. Truly. It's quite adorable, really. He's constantly asking about them and dressing up in his police uniform costume, and asking when he gets to become a real police man. At one point, we were driving home and we saw three or four police cars headed somewhere -- their lights were off so we knew there was no emergency -- and he asked me to follow them because he wanted to see them. Yeah, he's into it.
The long & short of it is that I have a friend who works with/for a police department, and she was able to arrange it so an officer could stop at our house this morning for a quick visit with Evan. He got one-on-one time and attention with this amazing officer, who was so patient with him. Evan got to sit in the front and back seat of the police vehicle, the officer showed him his entire trunk full of stuff he has to help him do his job. He let Evan push the button to turn on the lights, and he turned on his siren for a few seconds for Evan to hear (Evan wasn't a huge fan of that part, haha!).
He answered ALL of Evan's questions, and he was genuinely interested in everything Evan wanted to show him and tell him.
I am in complete awe of this officer's willingness to spent 10 minutes with my 4-year old son. I have no idea if Evan really will grow up to be a police officer one day, but I do know that he's very unlikely to forget this experience. I know I sure won't!
Watching out the window for the police to come see him |
And this better be the ONLY time I catch you in the back of a police car! |
They're having a serious discussion here..... |
No, really, Evan -- this is the ONLY acceptable reason to be in the back of a police car..... |