
Monday, March 2, 2015

It was a good weekend! Not a lot on the agenda, but a lot got done -- I always feel accomplished on weekends like that.

I did my 2-1/2 hour triathlon class Saturday morning, thus earning my regular, fully-leaded Dew for the day. Always a treat! Then Dan, the boys, and I went to my friend Liz's for a little bit before going grocery shopping.

Last Wednesday after dinner, we turned off all the lights, made popcorn, and watched most of Big Hero 6. We didn't make it through the whole thing due to time, so Saturday night, we turned off all the lights, made popcorn, and watched the rest of Big Hero 6.

Yesterday we returned $59.80 worth of pop cans (!!). Yeah, we haven't done that in awhile. And we used the money to buy toys. Just toys. Not groceries. Not more pop. Toys. Legos. Action figures. And Skip Bo Junior for me the boys to play together. Because that's just how we roll.

The boys like to help return pop cans

Then I spent a considerable amount of time in the afternoon going through "that box." You know, that box of stuff (mail, school papers, flyers, check stubs....) that accumulates and you swear you're going to go through it "sooner or later" but then it becomes "later" and next thing you know, it's been five months and "that box" is still accumulating stuff you need to sort through. I sorted through that box. I shredded, pitched, filed, and put away all the stuff in that box. And whenever I do that, I vow that there will never be another box again because in the future, I will shred, pitch, file, and put away the stuff as it comes into the house. But let's face it: there will probably be another box in five months.