Sean |
Evan |
● Sean had strep. We finally took him to Urgent Care Friday night (Feb 13th) and his rapid strep came back positive. Ten days of antibiotics for him.
Building Legos on a day at home. It was the most active he was all day that day. Otherwise, he wouldn't eat or even play his Kindle -- he was down for the count. |
● Evan got strep. Not a total shocker. We took him to Urgent Care Sunday (Feb 22nd) and his rapid strep came back positive. Ten days of antibiotics for him. Well, kind of. There was kind of an antiobiotic snafu there.... the Urgent Care doc prescribed him 2 teaspoons of antibiotics once a day. The pharmacist questioned it when we went to pick it up, saying that's unusual -- usually it's twice a day -- but she couldn't reach the UC doc to confirm the dosage, so she had to dispense it as it was written. Forty-eight hours later, Evan was still sportin' a fever of 103°. So we took him to his regular pediatrician yesterday, who explained that the reason Evan isn't better is because he was supposed to be receiving 1 teaspoon twice a day -- not 2 teaspoons once a day. It's all in the timing. So we gave him a teaspoon last night per the doctor, and again this morning. And wow! Our Evanator is back! WOOT!
Check out those rosy fever-cheeks. They don't looks so pink in the picture but they were PINK! |
● I saw an orthopedic doctor about my knee this past Monday. I was kind of unreasonably freaking out that he'd tell me either (a) I have to stop most physical activity; or (b) I need some kind of surgery or procedure. But I was hoping he'd tell me it's an easy fix with either (a) a special brace that I haven't already tried and/or (b) alternative exercises. Thankfully, it was the latter. The long & short of it is that my knee cap is trying to go where it's not supposed to go due to certain muscles being weaker than others in my leg. So I got a prescription brace that will keep my knee cap from running away during exercise (I don't have to wear it full time -- in fact he recommended against it), and the physical therapist came in and showed me exercises I can do on my own to strengthen the appropriate muscles to prevent the knee pain. He also recommended special inserts in my shoes -- I have to go get those yet. But the best part: the only restrictions he advised were no more squats or lunges (I should've asked about eliminating burpees -- burpees are the devil!). NO restrictions on running, swimming, biking, elliptical, etc.... I can do my half marathon in 87 days and my triathlon in 95 days. Excellent!
● I'm SO over winter. Sean had two days of school cancelled last week due to the cold. This week is better but not much. Over it. Over winter. Done.