● We had a great big snow storm that closed Sean's school for two days (Monday & Tuesday the 1st & 2nd), and even closed Evan's daycare and my work for a day (Monday). Two years in a row that I, as an adult, got a snow day, and I'm not even a teacher! Along with Sean & Evan at home on Monday, I had Sophia. It was a fun day! They were able to go outside to play for a little while in the deep, deep snow, then came inside and had hot chocolate. Tuesday I went back to work, and Sean (and Sophia) went to Evan's daycare.
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A hot chocolate toast after playing out in the snow (Monday, Feb 2) |
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Evan wanted to shovel the back yard to help daddy the other day |
● Liz and I had another curling lesson.
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iCurl |
● Darla became sick and lost a lot of weight. We took her to the vet last Monday where they did blood work & urinalysis. They determined that something is wrong with her liver (elevated biliruben & liver enzymes), but we're not sure what's causing it. Further diagnostic testing was expensive so we proceeded with treatment for what seems to be the "most likely" cause, in hopes that it would help. Unfortunately, follow-up blood work from last night shows that her liver isn't improving much, if at all. They're recommending hospitalization at this point, but I'm unsure how we're going to proceed. She's 14-years old..... and there is still a very real and likely possibility that we could hospitalize her and do all this stuff, only to have the same sad outcome anyway. Tough kitty choices to make in the days ahead, I'm afraid.....
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She still loves her some attention though.... |
● Sean went to a roller skating birthday party. He's getting SO much better at skating, and he really enjoys it. I wish I'd taken some pictures, but I didn't this time. I promised him I'd take him skating sometime when there isn't a birthday party. It's the same skating rink that I used to go to when I was a boy-crazy teenager, and I used to love it when I could skate with a boy. If only my boy-crazy, teenage self knew that the only boy worth skating with would be the one I gave birth to.
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Swimming lessons followed by skating can wear a boy out! |
● I'm continuing with my triathlon training class on Saturday mornings with Kerry & Liz. I actually enjoy the long workout a lot more than I thought I would. We start with swimming for 45 minutes, then get changed and spin (bike) for 45 minutes, then go up to the track and do run/walk/sprint work for 25-30 minutes. The class is scheduled for 2.5 hours but the actual time spent working out ends up being closer to 1 hour, 50 minutes after factoring in transition times.
● I also signed Sean up for a swimming lesson that takes place during my tri class. So he starts in kids gym while I'm swimming, then he goes swimming while I'm spinning, then he goes back to kids gym while I'm running. We're at the gym from 9-11:30am and we leave there with hearty appetites.
● Sean is going to lose a top tooth sooner than later. He's excited. I'm not. I know that when his top adult teeth come in, he'll lose that "little boy" look and gain that "big boy" look. *sigh* It has to happen, I know. But I'm going to enjoy his baby-tooth smile for as long as I can.
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My "little" boy.... for now.... |
● I booked mine & Dan's flights to California for the Star Wars Celebration. I can't believe we bought the tickets in August 2013 and now we're only two months (64 days, to be exact) away from actually being there.
● The boys spent the night with Aunt Janet this past Saturday night. Dan & I had every intention of using the kid-free night to organize & purge in the boys' room. But...well...when it came down to it, sitting on the couch and eating frozen pizza sounded much better. So the room is still a mess, but do-nothing date nights are still totally fabulous!
● The boys spent the night with Aunt Janet this past Saturday night. Dan & I had every intention of using the kid-free night to organize & purge in the boys' room. But...well...when it came down to it, sitting on the couch and eating frozen pizza sounded much better. So the room is still a mess, but do-nothing date nights are still totally fabulous!
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Just hanging out while Daddy & Sean are at Home Depot |