Wednesday, March 26, 2014
I really need to step up my game -- blogging that is. Last week was pretty packed with stuff to do and places to be, so I didn't spend much time at the computer. This week, however..... I have no excuse. On to the bulleted list of stuff:
• Last Wednesday was Sean's spring parent-teacher conferences. Our son is, of course, a rock star! He's progressing beautifully in school. He's reading and comprehending at a J/K reading level (2nd grade level); in math and history and science, he's exactly where he needs to be if not slightly ahead; in art & writing, he's awesome. The teacher said he will absolutely be ready for 2nd grade next year (WHAT?!).
• After conferences, I dropped the boys off at home with Dan and went off to PF Changs for dinner for AJ's retirement celebration. I *heart* PF Changs. And AJ, of course!
• Friday I had to set up for the Mom to Mom sale I did with Kerry & Becky on Saturday. Sean went with me to help set up. Thank goodness he wasn't all possessive about the stuff I was selling. He was actually a rather big help!
• Saturday was the sale. I arrived at 7am, made about $200, and was home by 2pm. Selling kid stuff isn't quite as emotional when the kids are older -- the baby stuff was harder -- but that didn't stop me from taking a Xanax on Saturday afternoon, haha!
• Sunday, Sophia came to our house to play after church, while Melinda had to run into work for a few hours.
• This week has been pretty calm by comparison. I'm rather enjoying it.
• Just for fun, I want to document a funny conversation between Evan and me the other day:
Evan: "Mommy, why did the chicken cross the road?"
Me (thinking this is a riddle): "I don't know Buddy. Why?"
Evan: "No let's talk about it!"
Yep, apparently he wanted to have a discussion about why the chicken crossed the road. He got distracted as I was laughing though, so we never did have the talk. Huh.