
Sunday, July 6, 2014

I'm pretty sure we broke the boys this weekend. Thursday night, I took them to see fireworks, and we didn't get home until well after 11pm. They slept in a little on Friday morning, but the fact that they went to bed almost four hours past their bedtime did NOT cause them to sleep in four hours past their normal wake-up time.

That did not stop me from dragging them to a 4th of July parade on Friday morning (after which Evan had a 2-1/2 hour nap -- something he hasn't done at home in months!).

Then they were up until after 11pm on Friday night as we lit small fireworks and sparklers in our driveway.

The fact that they went to bed almost four hours past their bedtime AGAIN did NOT cause them to sleep in four hours past their normal wake-up time Saturday morning.

On Saturday afternoon, Evan fell asleep for nearly two hours with the door and windows open in his room. Then I took them to a friend's house for dinner Saturday night where we fed geese, had a bonfire, ate smores, and they rolled down a big hill. It was a ton of fun, really!

This morning, I had to get up early to go running with a couple of friends. I got in 5.00 miles exactly -- the longest I've ever run in one stretch (I did walk here & there -- it wasn't a start-to-stop run, but the walking was few & far between). I never fail to amaze myself on what I can accomplish!

Tonight, the boys got to bed at 7:45 and I haven't heard a peep from them since (confession: I think I may have broken myself this weekend too as I'm getting ready to shut down and go to bed also....)