
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I don't know if this is going to work or not, but here is a video of Sean reading Evan a bedtime story tonight. TOO CUTE!!!

So after Sean got sick last weekend and Evan had a few tummy bug issues this weekend (not as bad as Sean), I guess it should have come as no surprise when I came down with the tummy bug sometime during the night Sunday night. Ugh! I was miserable for awhile, and then I was better.... as long as I didn't eat anything. So I didn't.

This should be a successful weight-loss week (not healthy but.... hey! Silver linings!)

And I'm officially registered for the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon, along with Kerry, and two other girls! Ho-lee-smokes! We're really gonna do this! Yikes.


Edited 3/6/2014 -- Something has changed with Blogger and I can no longer upload videos directly to it so I had to dink around on YouTube and get that set up. So I'm finally able to post the cuteness overload from bedime the other night!