
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Last night, Dan & I met with a realtor. When she walked in, I had high hopes -- not to make money but to at least break even since we'd been here, paying on the mortgage for 8 years and made major improvements and updates. When she walked out, those hopes were taken down a few notches. We'd be stretching to break even, but most likely we'll have to pay someone to buy our house. Crap.

I can't say I'm entirely surprised. Just deflated, I guess. We'll most likely list it though, because it's worth it to us, at this point, to lose a few grand and get into a bigger place where our boys can grow and our Star Wars collection can expand. And on the upside, we'll likely make up the loss by buying a home that we would not have been able to afford otherwise, if it weren't for this crappy housing market. It'll all even out eventually.

We're meeting with a couple more realtors to get a few opinions and determine who we want to do the listing. Dan is already on a mission to repair, purge, and pack. We're both on the same page with this, which is nice.


The Evanator has been acting weird the past few days. I'm assuming it's due to the change in his routine, but who knows? (Pat was off work this past week, so he was going to another girl's house, who works with Pat -- so it's someone Evan knows, but it was still out of routine). For the past few nights, he's gone down hard. HARD. Like full-on screaming, crying, jumping up & down, chucking things out of his crib (including his pacifiers).... and did I mention he was screaming? Last night it went on for like 45 minutes!! He's never, ever done that before!

Today, he was a handful and a half and it started at 5:15am when he woke up resuming his screaming and throwing things. Then all the live long day, the kid was into everything. And he had baby PMS. He was throwing things, screaming, hitting.... No idea who this kid was, but it most certainly wasn't my Evan.

Tonight he went down slightly better. Still screamed and cried and he actually refused his pacifier (!!). But it only lasted about 5 minutes instead of 45, thank heavens. I feel kind of badly leaving this particular brand of Evan with my mother for three days. But.... well..... nothing I can do now because..... less than 11-hours, I will be en route to Detroit where I, along with Kerry & Erin, will board a plane to Vegas. We are all checked in and apparently we got crappy seats. But they're all next to each other (which wasn't a guarantee with Spirit, apparently) and they're all going the same place, which is the most I ask for at this point. I'm almost all packed, except for a few things I need in the morning.

♫I'm leaving on a jet plane.... (and I'll be back Wednesday)♫